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Camponotus ligniperda

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Camponotus ligniperda - beautiful maroon ants that, with their impressive size, are an excellent choice for ant breeders. Characterised by large queens and varied sized workers, these ants offer remarkable insight. Provide them with warm conditions and an adequate diet and you will be able to observe the development of a healthy and active colony. Start your adventure with Camponotus ligniperda and indulge yourself in a fascinating journey into the world of Poland's largest ants.
  • Type: Camponotus ligniperda
  • Breeding difficulty level: easy
  • Presence of soldier castes: available
  • Dimensions: queen is 16-19 mm long, workers are 3 to 14 mm long
  • Colours: combination of black and red
  • Natural habitat: forests of central Europe
  • Dietary preferences: diet based on fresh water with honey and supplied insects
  • Hibernation period: required at around 4-8 degrees Celsius for 2-3 months
  • Recommended temperature for optimal development: 20-25 degrees Celsius
  • Recommended formicarium types: wooden or cork constructions are recommended, as well as options in 3D printing or acrylic materials

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When you buy from us, you don’t have to worry about whether your ants will reach you alive. We pack our parcels in a very secure way and during the winter you receive a free heater to protect the temperature of your parcel. Even if the situation turns out to be unfavourable, you will receive a new queen from us at no extra cost!

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Species description Camponotus ligniperda

Camponotus ligniperda, often referred to as tree ants, are one of the largest ant species found in Europe, and the largest in Poland. Queens can reach up to 18mm in length, while workers, depending on their role in the colony, can measure between 6 and 14mm. They are characterised by their dark, often black colouration with a glossy finish. They prefer natural forest habitats where they make nests in dead wood, which gives them a unique environmental preference.

Level of breeding difficulty for Camponotus ligniperda

Camponotus ligniperda is considered a species with a moderate level of breeding difficulty. Their maintenance requirements are specific, due to the need to provide suitable conditions that mimic their natural habitat, including a suitable formicarium with wood-like material. We recommend keeping them in a cork or wooden formicarium.

Breeding instructions for Camponotus ligniperda

For the successful breeding of Camponotus ligniperda, it is recommended to maintain a temperature between 22-28°C and ensure adequate humidity. Regular feeding with feeder insects and sweet liquids is key to ensure healthy colony development. The nest should be designed to mimic natural conditions, with different chambers and corridors. The ant is considered to be very capricious and often stagnant. However, from our observations, if they are provided with regular stonewalling and a reasonably high temperature, their worker growth is very high and breeding itself is trouble-free.

The first days after purchase

After purchasing Camponotus ligniperda, it is important to allow the colony to acclimatise calmly to its new environment. Provide the ants with darkness and warmth for the first few days, gradually increasing light exposure and interaction so as not to stress the new inhabitants. After about 3-4 days, give them a drop of honey with water, and after a week you can quietly introduce protein into their diet. After a week, you can also quietly reheat the nest to encourage them to grow their colonies.

Discover the beauty and majesty of Camponotus ligniperda by adding these magnificent ants to your collection. Whether you are an experienced keeper or just starting out in myrmecology, Camponotus ligniperda will provide you with an unforgettable experience and insight into the complex world of ants. Visit our shop today to find everything you need to start this fascinating journey. Start breeding Camponotus ligniperda and witness their extraordinary social life and behaviour in the comfort of your own home.


The size of this ant will delight any visitor to your home. The ants are so large that they will inspire even our awe of experienced keepers!

Frequently asked questions

Is Camponotus ligniperda suitable for beginner ant farmers?

Camponotus ligniperda is considered a species of moderate breeding difficulty. For this reason, it can be recommended for beginners who are prepared to take on a bit more of a challenge and spend more time looking after the colony.

What are the best conditions for breeding Camponotus ligniperda?

Ideal conditions for Camponotus ligniperda are a temperature between 22-28°C and moderate humidity. It is also important to provide space in the formicarium with suitable hiding places and access to water.

How often should I feed my Camponotus ligniperda ants?

It is recommended to feed Camponotus ligniperda colonies 2-3 times a week. Their diet should include both sweet liquids (e.g. water with honey) and protein sources (e.g. small insects).

How long do Camponotus ligniperda ants live?

Camponotus ligniperda workers can live for several years, while queens have been known to live for up to 10 years or more under optimal rearing conditions.

Does Camponotus ligniperda require overwintering?

Yes, Camponotus ligniperda naturally goes through a winter period. In breeding, it is recommended to simulate this period by lowering the temperature for a few months. The optimum overwintering period is around 3 months. The overwintering temperature of these ants is between 4 and 8 degrees. The fridge, therefore, is the best place for them to overwinter 😉

How to prevent Camponotus ligniperda escapes from the formicarium?

With these ants, there is no special risk of escape. Due to their size, it is not necessary to overly care for the tightness of the formicarium. Opening the formicarium when feeding, however, is a completely different matter with Camponotus ligniperda. These ants show quite a lot of aggression and are very fast. Fortunately, vegetable oil smeared on the edge of the arena will keep the ants from overstepping their bounds.

Where can I buy a colony of Camponotus ligniperda?

Camponotus ligniperda colonies are available in our online shop, offering a wide selection of healthy colonies along with the necessary accessories for breeding.

Does Camponotus ligniperda build nests in wood?

Camponotus ligniperda prefer to build their nests in the ground or under stones, but they can also adapt wooden structures as a place to live if they find the right conditions. Under breeding conditions, a cork or wooden nest will be best for them.


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  1. M


  2. SŻ

    Szybko, sprawnie, mrówki w dobrym stanie. Super pudełka z unikatowymi obrazkami 😅

  3. M

    Zamówiłem Camponotus ligniperda z opcją 1-5 robotnic i otrzymałem jedną robotnicę, ale jestem pozytywnie zaskoczony obecnością jajeczek. To daje nadzieję na szybki rozwój kolonii.
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