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Ants for the Discerning

Ants for the Discerning is quite a challenge, attracting enthusiasts who want to explore the mysteries of the ant world. For those who want to take their ant breeding experience to the next level, we offer a unique selection of species and advanced breeding techniques and strategies, tailored to the needs of the most experienced breeders. When choosing ants for the discerning, it is advisable to focus on species that offer unique behaviours and complex social structures, such as leafy ants (Atta), desert ants (Cataglyphis) or the fascinating warrior ants (Pheidole). These species require detailed knowledge, precision and commitment to provide them with suitable living conditions that mimic their natural environment.

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Ant species for experienced and demanding breeders

Rare breeding ant species

In our shop, we offer a collection of rare ant species to satisfy even the most demanding breeders. These species often require specific environmental conditions and diets, which makes for an exciting challenge. Camponotus maculatus from Africa may be an interesting choice here. This is a very fast-growing ant species, which, however, requires an increased ambient temperature of up to 30 degrees for proper breeding. A heating mat or heating cable can help with this.

Species with unique behaviours

You will find ants with fascinating social behaviours and unusual survival strategies, such as agricultural ants that cultivate mushrooms or species that practice ‘slavery’. An example of interesting behaviour is having multiple queens in a nest. Thanks to this situation, even after the death of one queen, the colony continues to thrive in a perfect way. This behaviour has been developed, among others, by Myrmica, which is a venomous ant that is common in our environment.

Species with complex breeding requirements

Such ant species often require careful monitoring of environmental conditions, such as humidity, temperature or specially prepared formicaria composed of many chambers and corridors. An example of interesting ant behaviour can show us the species Crematogaster scutellaris. These ants, when faced with a threat, raise their heart-shaped abdomen upwards, signalling danger to other members of the colony. In addition, they are dendrophilous ants, so we can successfully rear them in cork nests. Initially, they occupy the first chamber of the nest, and when there is a need to enlarge it, they carve a path for themselves to further hidden chambers in the cork.


Why take an interest in ant breeding for the discerning?

It is a passion that requires not only commitment, but also a deep knowledge of the lives of these fascinating creatures. As an advanced breeder, you have the opportunity to delve into the complex world of ants, trying to meet their most sophisticated requirements. Can you afford a little luxury and a thrill? Choose the species you like best and we’ll help you bring it out!

For discerning breeders, it is crucial to find species that are not only challenging to breed, but that will also repay you with brilliant colours and size. Species such as mushroom ants (Atta), known for their mushroom production, or desert ants (Cataglyphis), renowned for their ability to navigate and survive in extreme conditions, are ideal for those willing to push the boundaries of their passion. Choosing such species requires not only a suitable living space and diet, but also an understanding of specific environmental and social needs.


Think ants for the discerning will be too much of a challenge? Not a problem, we also offer ants for beginners and those that don’t require overwintering – perhaps you’ll find the perfect colony for you among them?


If you want to be informed about news from the world of ants, promotions and terrarium events – leave us your e-mail and we’ll be in touch!